Sunday, December 8, 2013

Moments of the Ice Storm.

Anyone who knows Landon and I knows that neither of us have a filter, so things can get a little.... comical. Especially being stuck in the house for 3 days. 

-Friday when the ice first started, Landon picked me up from work and I had a few errands to run. 
B: do you care if we run to west Memphis real quick? 
L: oh yeah! Bring on the wreckage! 

-Talking about the ice storms name, Cleon. 
B: you know, Cleon is a pretty ghetto name for an ice storm. 
L: what? 
B: they could have named it something normal like Paul or Sally. Most other ones aren't that ghetto. 

-Landon reading twitter can be dangerous. There are some very.... odd jokes on there. 
L: repeat everything I say backwards. 
B: okay. 
L: 123
B: 321
L: abc
B: cba
L: crack my finger. 
B: no. 
He starts dying out laughing. Laughing so hard he could barely breathe. 

-Me talking, like always, to Landon while he's watching football, like always. 
B: did you hear what I said?
L: (points remote at my face) mute. I think our remote is broken. 

-So since we've been in the house the last few days with no homework or cleaning to do, we have found a few things we had forgotten about. One of which being a little grill. The kind that you can put on the counter and grill chicken or whatever. Landon has been all about grilling in this new grill. So I'm standing in the kitchen about make a sandwich. 
L: want me to toast your bread?
B: you don't have too. I mean if you just WANT to toast something you can. 
L: you better watch it before I toast your buns! 

-I was trying to be nice. This is the result. 
B: you're pretty cute. 
L: you're pretty blind. 

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