Today was Arkansas State's first home game of the season! It was also Jackson's first game ever! We had an absolute blast with him! So I know kids say the darnedest things, but Jackson said some things today that tickled me so much. We were sitting there watching the game and I said whoa! That play was the bombdotcom! I didn't even think when I said it. Then Jackson's says "BB, you are the bomb and I am the dotcom." I laughed so hard! I have no idea where he comes up with this stuff. We missed Easton today, but we will see him very soon! I can't wait for Easton's first game! Jackson will tell him all about I am sure!!!
Putting our "howls" up!
Love this kid more than words!
Game facessss!!
Howl yessss!!!
He asked me if we were winning and I told him we were. He said "BB, are we winners?!" I said yep. Then he wanted to ask Yandon if he was a winner!
He decided he like the view from there. :)
He loves Yandon and Yandon loves him!!!
We love him too much!!!! We had so much fun with him today and we cherish every second we get to spend with this little monster!
- Landon, Brittany, and Mallie