Sunday, May 18, 2014

Pictures from the Week!

Here are the pictures from the week! Nothing exciting, just busy as usual! 

Mal did not want to get up!

Landon and I got to spend some time with our sweet boys last weekend! I snapped this picture really quick but Jackson ran before I could get him in it! Silly boy!!

This balloon showed up in my classroom Monday! Boy, did I need this this week!

So this happened... 

Happy Birthday to the best mom! Love her so much and so glad we have become so much closer! 

We got stuck by a train (go figure) on the way to Aubrey for Greg and Chelsea's stock the bar shower so Brad and Landon decided to get their stuff together while we wait! 

Mom and I got our nails ready for the Tennessee State Championship this week! 

Corey's Graduation!

Last Saturday Corey graduated from
Christian Brothers High School. It was so bittersweet!! 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Teacher Appreciation Week!

Last week was Teacher Appreciation week! I got all kinds of goodies at work!
I love what I do even more than I ever thought!  

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Baccalaureate and Crawfish!

Sunday was a fun day! We went to Corey's baccalaureate that was held in their school auditorium. It was different. Ha! CBHS is a catholic school soooo that was a new experience for us, but we enjoyed it!! After the service they had a brunch for the seniors and their families. Corey even got to show me around part of his school! That afternoon we went to Brad and Megan's to celebrate Megan graduating nursing school! It was filled with crawfish and good times! 

The driver:) 

The library is two stories! 

This fish tank is the wall to one of his classrooms! 

The normal. 

My two main men! 

I tried to take a picture of me and Mal hanging out the window. Fail. 

Landon and Corey eating their weight in crawfish!

Mals stayed with mom and daddy while we went to eat crawfish!